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Shenzhen Pingmao Electronics Co., Ltd.

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Contact person: Miss Fan
mobile phone: 13409759795
seats: 0755-27831558
address: 1st Floor, No. 1 Factory Building, Zhuangbian Second Industrial Zone, Hezhou Industrial Zone, Hezhou Community, Hangcheng Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen City

Röchling News
Röchling Group Release date: 【2018-12-20】 / Views: 【4851】次

Headquartered in Mannheim, Germany, our global plastic group has 77 companies. These companies have 8,400 employees in 22 countries around the world. With a comprehensive and abundant technical foundation in all fields of plastic processing industry, it is the leader of the global plastic industry.

The Group has three business branches, high performance plastics, automotive plastics and medical plastics.

The greatest characteristic of the market environment in which the labor-land group is located is its strong growth and fast pace of innovation. From the perspective of development potential, at present, very few industries can compete with the plastic industry. In recent decades, the plastic industry has developed at an unprecedented speed. From Greenland to South Africa, from Colombia to Australia, the plastic industry has a tremendous impact on human life all over the world. In the new twenty-first century, plastics are more important than any other material.

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